Lorraine was complaining that she had nothing to wear but summer dresses (and her Christmas dress, and her jacket, and her robe), so I made her an outfit.
"These shoes are ridiculous!" |
The pullover sweater is made from a thrift store sweater. I used an American Girl pattern, unfortunately forgetting they have bulkier bodies than Lorraine. So it's a bit large for her. The pants are actually the right length for her, but the shoes make them bunch up. I used a combination of several patterns to get one that fit. I also made her a pair of panties but she refused to let me photograph them. Then she needed shoes, so I tried my hand at making them. I used this
as a guide but got everything too big, including the tongue of the shoe. When I first got Lorraine, I made her a pair of slippers using this
pattern, adjusting it for her larger foot.
"At least these are decent slippers." |
They are a better fit, but more slipper-like than shoe-like. So, I saw another pattern
here and thought it looked pretty easy. I am out of printer toner so I couldn't enlarge and print the pattern but I drew a reasonable facsimile of the upper part, found a piece of upholstery fabric and the glue gun, and gave it a try.
"Why is my Mommy so incompetent?" |
They don't look bad from a distance but I couldn't find the Fray Check to keep the edges from raveling and I was getting glue all over myself and Lorraine. And I was getting tired of the whole project so I decided I would try again another day.
I had made a previous pair of pants for Lorraine that were too short, so I gave them to Pollyanna Sunshine.
"I don't care if they're way too big." |
I will have to cut them down for her, but she was thrilled to have more clothes, even if they are hand-me-downs. Of course she's thrilled about anything.
Now you're all anxious to know about the new Barbie. I have named her Mallory Storm. I was researching some family history and came across a long-ago relative named Mallory Storm Hickerson, who died at age 13. No one on the forum seemed to know if Mallory was a girl or a boy, but I think it's a marvelous name.
I made her a dress out of purple velvet, which matches her lips so I guess I won't repaint them. I actually already had the top made so I just cut four triangles from another piece of the velvet, made a gored skirt, and sewed it to the top. Now I have to find some bling to spice it up a little.
"She should have made it ankle length." |
And now I must tell you how it's entirely Auntie Berman's fault that I have yet
another Barbie. We were in Goodwill Bargain Bin and she said "There's a nice Barbie" or words to that effect. I had briefly noted the Barbie and was walking on by when she (Auntie Berman) spoke. So of course I picked up the doll and I really, really liked her.
"At least someone recognized that I have star potential." |
We thought she looked kind of like a 40's movie starlet. She had no clothes but I found a blouse and skirt in a nearby bin. Her hair was very tangled but I brushed it out on the way home, using Auntie Berman's hairbrush, which she doesn't need any more because she got all her hair cut off. When we got home I dug out this lovely Chinese coat for her to wear. It came from the Dollar Tree and was for a wine bottle. Apparently some people like to dress their wine bottles, although I think dollies are more fun.
"This is the life I was meant for." |
I am going to make her a cowgirl outfit. I have a piece of thin fringed rawhide that was part of a purse, I think, and it's the perfect size. It's just pinned on here, not yet made into a skirt. Now she needs a Western blouse, a hat, and maybe a vest.
"I already have the boots. Maybe I can be in a movie with John Wayne." |
I hope I can keep up my enthusiasm for making clothes for everyone.